Can users find bookstore information on
Can users easily find store information on for University Village physical bookstore?
If physical bookstore information was integrated into, where would users expect to see in stock information?
Remote usability study using
At least 5 participants who purchased books on amazon in the last 6 months
Schedule & Logistics
Tests took place Jan 3 - Jan 7
6 participants
Remote tests using zoom
Imagine it’s your friends birthday tomorrow and you want to get them a book. Someone recommended The Promised Land by Barak Obama. You know they love hard cover books, and you need to get it today. Your favorite book store close by is the Amazon book store in University Village. You’re at home and want to make sure they have it in stock before you drive down.
Go to
Find Promised Land by Barak Obama
Check to see if it’s in stock at the physical book store in University Village
Understand how users expect to find information pertaining to the amazon physical bookstore by looking on Understand where users would expect to see information like store hours, and inventory selections in the store.
Make sure users are clear on the scenario, and tasks before starting. I rushed through some of the introductory information, but made adjustments to improve that.
I was surprised that users didn’t see some UI that seemed obvious in terms of placement like store hours once they got to that screen. But it did seem to blend in with the rest of the text on the screen.
A user quote from the study